Apple Frangipane

I made my first frangipane! I used a ceramic knife to get the really thin slices, not quite cutting right through the apples. Based on the fabulous Post Punk Kitchen ladies’ recipe for pear frangipane, I substituted windfall cooking apples. Free food yay! I hear that apricots work very well in this too. It worked really well with apples and I took it to my friend Helen’s who cooked me and two others a lovely vegan dinner. We had two different sorts of bean burgers, tempeh, stir fried veg and polenta. She made homemade vegan mayo and Mexican mole sauce (it’s got chocolate in it!). Helen is a fab vegan cook and you can see some of her food here.

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6 Responses to Apple Frangipane

  1. Yummmm. Apples floating on a bed of almond flavored goodness? Sign me up! Thanks for sharing, I’d never heard of frangipane before.

  2. MeShelll says:

    Oh beautiful idea. That sounds (and looks) great (and like coldandsleepy – I had never heard of frangipane before either!)

  3. Jojo says:

    Oh wow, I’ve been gazing at the recipe on the PPK for weeks but I think your picture has pushed me over the edge. I’ll definitely be making it soon.

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