Vegan haggis, neeps & tatties

It’s Burns night again and this year I tried the M&S Scottish Spiced Vegetable & Lentil Haggis (£3.75) from Ocado. It’s very nice with a great classic veggie haggis flavour. I have no idea what a traditional pudding made of sheep’s heart, liver and lungs minced up with onion, oatmeal, suet (animal fat), salt and spices tastes like and initially, I had reservations about trying a veggie version of this dish (I’ve not tried vegan black pudding or intestines either!) but became a convert a few years ago and we now have one every year on Burns Night.

This year I made the whisky sauce a different way, by burning off the whisky before adding the cream. Apparently, it softens the flavour but I had to add more whisky as the flavour was a bit too mild for me.

To make the whisky sauce, melt a knob of vegan butter in a pan then add three tablespoons of whisky, warm it and then set it alight. Then add a large glug or two of vegan single cream and a teaspoonful of veggie bouillon and half a teaspoonful of Dijon mustard. Reduce it all down and add more whisky to taste.

Serve the veggie haggis with mashed swede (neeps) and tatties! We had cavolo nero, samphire and peas on the side.

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