Summer tarts

Some of the best meals are made from leftovers or what you have hanging around in the IMG_3306cupboard, fridge or garden! I’ve had some Jus-Roll puff pastry in the fridge for a couple of weeks now so it needed using up. So I made some tarts with the last big tomato leftover from last week’s veg shop. Cut the pastry sheet into six squares. Run a knife gently round the edge of each, about 1cm from the edge, just cutting into the surface of the pastry but taking care not to go through it. Spread the pastry (avoiding the edge) with some wild garlic pesto (you could use shop-bought pesto or make your own tomato sauce by boiling down some tinned tomatoes with garlic and herbs) then scatter some small chunks of Violife Blu Wedge (vegan blue cheese or any other vegan cheese would do) then top it with slices of tomato and halved cherry tomatoes. These tarts take just a few minutes to knock up and bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 mins while you make a salad to go with them.



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